Difference between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus

Difference between Diabetes Mellitus and
Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus  It is characterized by  hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level), glycosuria (glucose in urine), polyuria  ( increased volume  of urine due to the osmotic  effect  of glucose) ,   polydipsia (excessivie thirst), polyphagia (excessive appetite). It is due to the hyposecretion of insulin or lack of insulin.

It is of two types:- Diabetes Type I and Diabetes Type II.
Diabetes             Type                I                (Insulin             Dependent Diabetes    Mellitus, IDDM): It is cased due to deficient   insulin   production   by   pancreas because    either    beta    cells    of    islets    of Langerhans are not able to produce insulin or beta cells are absent.

Diabetes  Type  II  (Insulin  Independent  or Non insulin  Dependent  Diabetes  Mellitus, NIDDM):                         It   is   an   inherited   recessive autosomal disorder appearing after the age of
40  years  in  which  the  cells  fail to  take  up
insulin  from  blood.  It  results  in  deficient passage  of glucose  form blood  into the  cell surfaces for storage or for direct consumption. It may occur due to defective insulin receptors over cell surfaces or abnormality  on plasma protein  amylin.  The  phenomenon  is  called insulin   resistance.   This   type   of   diabetes mellitus ccounts for 80-90% of all cases of diabetes.

It is kept under control by administration of insulin in case of insulin dependent diabetes.
and hypoglycaemics in case of insulin independent diabetes. Sugar free diet is a pre requisite in both the cases.

Diabetes   Insipidus   (Drinkers   disease):   Hypo   secretion   of  ADH  (Antidiuretic   hormone   or Vasopressin) causes   a disorder known as diabetes insipidus (Excretion of large quant ity of dilute urine).  ADH  is  released  into  blood  when  special  osmoreceptors                            or  hypothalamic  neuron s  are
stimulated by rise in osmotic pressure of blood due to loss of water from the body.
In  this disorder,  person  suffers from polyuria,  i.e., excessive  urine  formation  and dilute  urination (hypotonic and sugar free) several times a day. The quantity is 5 litres or more per  day. There is corresponding increase in water loss from body fluids. It results in excessive thirst or polydipsia and dehydration. Appetite increases. Loss of strength and emaciation occur.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Insipidus
It is a pancreatic disorder.
It is hypothalamic disorder.
It is due to deficiency of insulin availability to cells.
It is caused by deficiency of ADH
There is rise in blood glucose level or hyperglycaemia.
No rise in blood sugar level.
Glucose is excreted along with urine.
Glucose is not excreted.
The urine is of normal concentration.
The urine is very dilute.
Urine output is excessive.
Urine output is enormous.
Blood cholesterol level often rises.
Blood cholesterol level does not rise normally.
There is excessive eating.
Hunger is normal.
Ketone bodies occur in blood and urine.
They do not occur in case of Diabetes insipidus.


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